
10 Signs You Are Actually, Really, Finally Over Him — For Good

People often ask me a lot of questions about their love lives. While there are several questions that crop up frequently, the ones that get asked the most are, “Is there a method for how to get over him?” “Do I have the tools for how to move on?” “How can I tell that I’m over my ex?” 

The truth is there are no cut-and-dried answers to these questions. There is no magical equation you can run that will mete out the proper timeframe it will take to heal from a relationship. Sorry, but human beings just don’t work that way.

Usually, I tell the person asking this question what I believe is the truth: We DON’T actually ever get over people.

We’re always going to remember them. What matters is that we find a way to put the memory of our time with them in the past so it doesn’t hold us back from experiencing love once more.

You know, exactly the thing you would think a relationship expert might say on the subject. It’s the truth, but that doesn’t always mean that it’s very satisfying or easy to hear, especially when you’re looking for a clear answer about HOW to know you’re ready to move on to the next stage of your romantic life. 

While there is no definitive timeline we can consult to help us determine whether or not we’re over that dude for good, there are signs we can all look for. I asked some of my friends, and together we came up with a list of signs from our own lives that helped us realize we were done and ready to get out there again.

Breakups aren’t easy, and neither is starting over when you decided to do that, but please know you aren’t alone. We’ve all been there, and we all know just hard it is to let go of something that you once thought was going to last forever.

Here are 10 signs you are actually, really, finally over him — for good:

1. You have no more tears left to shed

You don’t cry when you talk about them. You don’t cry when you talk about them with your friends, or your mom or therapist. You don’t cry when you wake up from a dream about them. You don’t cry when you’re writing agonized poetry about them. In fact, you probably don’t even write agonized poetry about them. 


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