
4 Flirting Techniques That Are So Effective It’s Scary

When you think about dating and attracting a partner, the word “flirting” is bound to come to mind. It’s a great way to get someone’s attention and let him or her know that you’re interested.

Flirting can be subtle or over-the-top. It can be cute, silly, or sexy.

And it can simply involve a look or talking in a particular way with certain words. Flirting might be the thing that draws whoever you’ve got your eye on to you, or it can fail miserably.

There is some risk with flirting.

Flirting can be a good way to communicate that you’d like to get to know the other person better and it can also be a big, embarrassing flop.

Have you ever tried to flirt with someone only to be made fun of, or totally ignored? If so, you might be hesitant to flirt. Your insecurity about your flirting skills could be keeping you alone and single when you don’t want to be.

Flirting is a skill, and it tends to be easier for some than others.


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