
4 Simple Ways To Protect Your Husband (Even If He Doesn’t Need It)

I wrote this post about protecting your wife, and a reader requested one about husbands, especially in terms of making sure that you don’t undermine him or allow others to (e.g., the kids, your parents). 

This is a good point! Unfortunately, many men will never admit to a desire to be protected, which is too bad because it is a basic human want within an attachment relationship. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t look out for someone who doesn’t seem to need it, just as I advise men! Here are some ways you can protect your husband!

Here are 4 simple ways to protect your husband — even if he doesn’t need it:

1. Be on his side in public

It is worth noting that many women feel that a man can stand up for himself, and therefore they don’t need to publicly show that they are on his side. 

Of course, any man or woman can stand up for themselves, but within a loving relationship, you should be able to count on your partner to be a source of support when you are feeling insecure or challenged by others. 

Even if your partner doesn’t agree with you 100%, that can be discussed later and not in front of anyone else.

Many women find it hard to individuate from their families of origin and unfavorably compare their husbands to their dads or even their brothers. 

When women like this have parents who make passive-aggressive comments to their husbands, they feel stuck in the middle and don’t choose sides. Worse, they often agree with their parents to avoid rocking the boat. 


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