
7 Questions Men Should Be Prepared To Answer If Their Wife Suspects They’re Cheating

Brothas, if you want my advice about marriage and relationships, there is one thing you should definitely know. If you are cheating on your woman, it is far more likely than not that she already knows about it.

Most girlfriends and wives are highly in tune with the mannerisms and behaviors their boyfriends or husbands display not just toward them, but toward people in general and under a wide variety of circumstances.

If you disagree with me and you think you can feel free to just do you and continue to have an affair without ever facing allegations of infidelity, I can pretty much guarantee that there will, indeed, come a time when you walk through the door and find her wide awake and waiting in the dark to ask you a full laundry list of questions.

Husbands, here are seven questions you should be well prepared to answer if you’re cheating on your wife and hoping she never finds out.

Here are 7 questions men should be prepared to answer if their wife suspects they’re cheating:

1. “Who do you keep texting?”

When you answer just one text under the table, your girl is going to suspect something.

If you make it a habit, be prepared to have a good answer to this question.


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