
How Joining An Affair Website Saved My Marriage

Starting a new relationship is an exhilarating experience.

The butterflies you get when you see his name pop up on your phone, the flowers, getting dressed up for romantic dates, and the undivided attention that makes you feel like you’re the only person in his world… well, there’s really nothing else quite like it.

Unfortunately, as time moves on and you both get comfortable, that excitement starts fading.

He sees you more in sweatpants than in the sexy dresses you wore when you first met, and the stud he once was has morphed into a guy who always forgets to take out the trash.

Being comfortable with your partner is a good thing, but becomes harmful if it leads to complacency, which is dangerous territory for long-term, monogamous relationships.

According to Andrea Miller, author of Radical Acceptance: The Secret to Happy, Lasting Love, “Not only does complacency threaten the viability of your relationship, it often erodes your well-being and self-esteem. Not feeling valued in your relationship is one of the leading causes for breakups and divorce.”

But what if we told you there’s a way to avoid watching your relationship crash and burn around you?

I spoke with Stephanie, a woman who’s been in a successful, fulfilling relationship with her partner for over ten years. They met after both experienced failed marriages.


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