
What It Really Means If Your Boobs Are Uneven

My boyfriend travels a lot for work. 

Because I work remotely, I often get to tag along with him. 

This means that while he is suffering through conferences wearing a nametag and drinking tepid coffee I am wrapped in a luxurious robe, ordering room service, and working from a bed that someone else will make for me. 

It is utter heaven.

But there’s something very strange about hotel rooms: Mirror placement.

this was how I discovered my uneven boobs. 

Let me back up. 

In almost every hotel I’ve been to with him, it’s been the same thing: the mirror is placed so that you are confronted with your own body when you are sitting on the toilet. 

Surprise! It is not a flattering angle. 

For the most part, I just don’t look, but on our last jaunt out of time I locked eyes with myself and noticed something totally shocking: my boobs are markedly uneven. 

One, the left, is a much smaller boob. This struck me as double shocking given that my right is my dominant side. 


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