
My Brothers’ Alcoholism Forced Me To Completely Cut Ties With Them

Note from Dr. Pysch Mom: Today we have a wonderfully written and honest guest post from Maggie Whiet. She shares how she dealt with her brothers’ alcoholism and the agonizing decision she felt forced to make after years of heartbreak.

Alcoholism. No matter how many times I tried to put up the gates, no matter how many times I tried to build up the walls, no matter how many times I tried to be part of the rescue, alcoholism wins.

It grabs you and throws you down to the ground. And sometimes it does more than that.

First, it gets you to grab a shovel and dig a deep dark hole, and then grabs you and throws you down to the bottom of the very hole that you dug with your very own hands. And this process goes on repeatedly.

Alcoholism is a lifelong formidable opponent.

I have three older brothers and two of them have been in and out of rehabs — in and out of usage and abuse — for four decades now. Both of them should have been dead on a number of occasions.


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