
The 100% Unfiltered Truth About Being Married

Sometimes it feels like you’ve been working your whole life to get that ring on your finger.

Now that you’ve both said, “I do,” written all your thank you notes, and returned some of your wedding gifts for store credit, you can relax … right? All that work and struggle to find a mate has paid off and you can reap all those marriage benefits.

You’ve seen how perfect and effortless marriage is, at least going by your friend’s social media posts, so you’re ready to kick back and enjoy the effortless happiness enveloping you like a matrimonial Snuggie.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the truth is that any real relationship, especially any long-term relationship like marriage, takes hard work.

When you get married, you don’t stop having problems and challenges; you just get an entirely new set of obstacles, difficulties, and issues. And these problems, you have to work them through or they will get bigger and more complicated. 

In a piece in The Elephant Journal, writer and relationship specialist Jayson Gaddis explains what happens after the glow of the honeymoon stage has started to dissipate.

“We struggle, blame, judge, and even hate. We shut down, we distance, we run away. We do and say mean things or we just freeze in fear.

We do all the things that we did as a child (but probably don’t remember) or we act like our parents — the thing we swore we’d never do.”


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