
15-year-old Teenage k!ller Carly Gregg, sobs in court as she’s found guilty of ruthlessly k!lling her mother

4 weeks ago

American teenage k!ller, Carly Gregg broke down in court Friday, September 20 as she was found guilty of ruthlessly shoot!ng her mother in March.

The 15-year-old girl from Mississippi
cried after being found guilty on all charges including first-degree murder, attempted murder and tampering with evidence.

The verdict comes after the jury viewed chilling surveillance video of the baby-faced teen shuffling around the home clutching a gun behind her back shortly before she opened fire on her mother, Ashley Smylie.

She was 14 at the time of the killing.

The jury deliberated for about two hours before delivering their verdict, and are now deliberating her sentencing.

Upon hearing of the verdict, the teenager immediately switched her mood and started shedding tears.


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