
How To Save Your Marriage: 7 Helpful Expert Tips

As a specialist in marriage rescue, I’m here to help you learn how to save your marriage.

You can tell your marriage probably needs saving if you’ve been feeling angry about what has been happening or hopeless about your ability to change the situation. The good news is feelings like anger and hopelessness can offer you important clues and a fresh point of view.

Negative emotions can give you insight to help clarify what you want in your relationship. These negative emotions will guide you to a better marriage.

First, if you find yourself putting in all the effort to save your marriage, realize this is not a good indicator of your partner’s commitment to your relationship.

However, there are certain initial actions one spouse can take to save the relationship. Think about how you react in emotionally charged situations with your partner. What can you do to react with more empathy, love, and understanding?

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Taking the first step to save a marriage when you are the only one willing to start is a huge weight to carry, so be sure to pay attention to this factor until you’re not the only one willing to do the work.

How do I know if my marriage is worth saving?

A great sign a failing marriage is worth saving is when both partners are willing and able to do whatever it takes.


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