
5 Things People In Love Say That Are Extremely Toxic

If you’ve ever thought that movies, books and songs perpetuate an extremely toxic idea of love, you would be right.

The following quotes are words all of you have heard of. They might sound extremely romantic at first but are highly dysfunctional.

Don’t fall for them — instead, understand the true meaning behind them.

Here are 5 things people say in love that are extremely toxic: 

1. “I need you”

There’s a huge difference between “I need you” and “I want you.” Which of those would you rather have your partner tell you?

Hearing “I need you” constantly implies the other person is extremely attached to and dependent on you. Relationships without any dependence don’t exist, but the degree thereof can tell a lot about the relationship dynamics.

Truly needing a partner implies a mother-and-child relationship rather than a healthy one.

“I need you” often comes from anxiously attached individuals who think they’ll literally die if you leave them.


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