
3 Ways Your ‘Better Half’ Is Ruining Your Relationship, According To Research

“Cheers to the perfect couple!”

Heartfelt words like these can actually doom a relationship. Did you know that your well-meaning congratulations to a new couple could solidify dangerous myths about love?

Beliefs about relationships were the focus of a 2014 study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and the results could not only change how you give a wedding toast, but also make a positive difference in your own love relationship or marriage as well.

What researchers discovered was a correlation between relationship satisfaction and the words used to describe relationships.

Study participants who were flooded with phrases like, “we are one,” “made for each other” and “better half,” tended to behave with a more negative view of their own relationship. These concepts play into the myth that soulmates meet, sparks fly, and their relationship is immediately and irrevocably perfect.

It’s this instantly blissful, always in love and happily ever after view of relationships that causes all kinds of trouble for real people. They’ve unknowingly bought into a fairy tale and then become anxious, resentful, and angry when their reality doesn’t match up. What at first seemed to be “meant to be,” quickly feels like a fraud or dismal failure.

What’s most unfortunate about this is that there could be a wonderful relationship developing, but it was never given the chance to grow and evolve. Instead, it’s rejected as a huge mistake because it doesn’t fit a stereotype that’s unrealistic and maybe even impossible.


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