
13 Rules To Follow If You Think You’re In Love With A Sociopath

Most people believe sociopaths are just mass murderers in our society, but that is not the truth.

Chances are you will cross paths or have already engaged in a relationship with one.

Charmer. Con artist. Chameleon. Master Manipulator. Those are just a few names by which you may have come to know a sociopath, a single individual that experiences little to no conscious guilt, empathy, shame, or remorse, and has an ongoing pattern of disregard for the rights and concerns of others.

If you find yourself dating a sociopath, you will know by the violations you are sustaining to your sentiments, physical being, sexual integrity, and/or finances. You will know the signs of a sociopath. The following guidelines will help you deal with the sociopath, as well as other types of toxic and abusive personalities.

Here are 13 rules for dealing with a sociopath:

1. Accept that some people truly have no conscience.

If you have been in denial, it’s time to recognize that you are being violated and stop making excuses or accepting excuses for consistently bad behaviors.

2. Go with your instincts or intuition versus the implied role he has taken on.

Sociopaths are excellent communicators. Don’t believe him.


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