
9 Kissing Techniques That’ll Make Him Break Up With You Immediately

Figuring out how to break up with him is hard and terrible. But figuring out how to kiss a guy is easy and wonderful. Regulate your saliva, go with the flow, and be confident and you are sure to succeed.

Funnily enough, the same tactics could actually be applied to how to break up with someone.

But for some reason that doesn’t make the task any more appealing. But what if you could use your kissing techniques as a tool to end a relationship? That’s right, ditch the dud AND get your quality smoochfest on.

It’s totally possible, you’ve just got to be willing to give up your old kissing techniques and try one of these tried and true methods of getting a guy to run screaming into the sunset, leaving you to your own glorious devices.

Ladies, beware: if you know how to kiss a guy and want him to stay, do not try any of these methods.

Here are 9 kissing techniques that’ll make him break up with you immediately:

1. Gently tap out your cellphone number on his incisors using your tongue

When he asks what you’re doing, explain that if he is ever in a life-threatening situation, his teeth will remember your phone number and you will come to rescue him.


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