
If These 5 Signs Sound Familiar, You’re Secretly Struggling With High-Functioning Anxiety

By Ethan Ray

Do you often feel anxious for no reason?

Sometimes, anxiety is not something we are born with. We acquire it due to several external conditions.

Sometimes we fall prey to it, while other times we subconsciously invite it.

But seldom do we realize that anxiety can also manifest itself in the most unusual ways.

Enter the case of high-functioning anxiety disorder.

What makes this interesting is that not only are patients unaware of their suffering but are also able to unknowingly yet effectively deceive people in creating an impression of normalcy.

High-functioning anxiety disorder can be defined as the tendency and practice of undertaking pursuits to avoid exhibiting chronic anxiety traits to the external world.

To unveil this psychological enigma, we need to dive straight into the tell-tale signs of this mysterious condition that has been overlooked by the mental health communities until now.


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