
15 Dating Tips I Wish I’d Followed While I Was Single

I could’ve written three novels, started a business, and hiked the Appalachian Trail with all the wasted time and energy I spent not knowing how to date. I’d been going about finding a match all wrong, and I didn’t have very much fun. I realize my past experiences made me who I am today, but I still wish I could go back in time and give some dating tips to poor, clueless, younger me.

There are probably more alternate universes where I’m still living solo than where I’m married because so much luck was involved in finding my guy. When I started seeing my husband, I was gobsmacked to realize how much I didn’t know about dating, so it is no surprise I didn’t meet my husband-to-be until I was in my 30’s.

Don’t let yourself waste as much time as I did, maybe you can learn from what I wish I had known about dating.

Here are 15 dating tips I wish I’d followed when I was single.

1. Get your priorities straight.

Finding a romantic partner is only one of many goals you can have at the same time. There’s a difference between making something a priority and having an obsession. No one wants to be the Captain Ahab of the dating world.


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