
14 Phrases to Avoid During a Job Interview to Leave a Lasting Impression

Phrases to Avoid Saying During a Job Interview

1) “Sorry, I’m late.”
Being late for an interview can instantly create a negative impression. Instead, arrive at least 15 minutes early to show respect for the interviewer’s time and use the extra time to calm your nerves.

2) “Oh wow, you look pretty.”
Although giving compliments is acceptable, it is important to make sure they are appropriate. Instead of commenting on physical appearance, offer genuine compliments about the company or office environment.

3) “Huh, ah, uhm, so like…”
While occasional fillers in speech may go unnoticed, excessive use of fillers can signal a lack of confidence. Minimizing the use of fillers during an interview is advisable to convey professionalism.

4) “It’s not there on my resume?”
Asking a question about information that is clearly stated on your resume can be seen as rude and disrespectful. Interviewers ask questions to encourage discussion, not because they are lazy. It is crucial to avoid such remarks that may portray one as sassy or difficult to work with.

5) “As I’ve said earlier…”
Using this phrase with a condescending tone can indicate impatience and rudeness. Avoid making such remarks that may create a negative impression on hiring managers.

6) “I didn’t read the job description thoroughly, but…”
Not thoroughly reading the job description before an interview can be seen as lazy and inattentive. It is essential to take the time to carefully review the job requirements and responsibilities to show preparedness and attention to detail.

7) “My previous company sucks.”
Speaking negatively about previous employers reflects negatively on one’s integrity. It is important to avoid making any negative comments about previous employers during an interview unless specifically asked, and even then, it is best to keep the response brief and professional.

8) “I still don’t know what I want.”
Expressing uncertainty about one’s career goals can indicate a lack of commitment. During an interview, it is important to present oneself as focused and interested in the specific job position.

9) “To be honest, I just need money.”
While the main purpose of work is to earn money, explicitly stating this during an interview can give the impression that one lacks enthusiasm for the work and the company. It is essential to convey passion and a willingness to grow with the company.

10) “I’m willing to do anything to get the job.”
Making this statement can raise suspicions and suggest desperation. Instead, it is better to express a willingness to put in extra effort or undergo specific training related to the job.

11) “What can YOU offer me?”
While it is important to ask about salary and benefits, it is generally considered inappropriate to inquire about these details too early in the interview process. It is advisable to let the hiring manager initiate the discussion about compensation and perks.

12) “My weakness is I work too hard.”
Providing a cliché response to the question about weaknesses may not be effective in conveying authenticity. It is better to choose a weakness that doesn’t significantly impact job performance or find a way to present a strength as a disguised weakness.

13) “I want to start my own company someday.”
Expressing the desire to start one’s own company can make it seem like using the current company as a stepping stone. In corporate job interviews, it is generally best to avoid mentioning long-term entrepreneurial goals that could potentially be seen as a threat.

14) “Concluding Thoughts”
In conclusion, it is crucial to be mindful of the words and phrases used during job interviews. Avoiding certain phrases that may come across as red flags can greatly contribute to making a good impression on hiring managers and increasing the chances of securing the desired position.


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