
Elon Musk blames Mark Zuckerberg over their MMA fight not happening

11 months ago

Space X CTO, Elon Musk has blamed META founder, Mark Zuckerberg over their MMA fight not happening.


52-year-old Musk who joined Joe Rogan’s JRE podcast on Tuesday, October 31, explained from his perspective why negotiations broke down, torpedoing the bout.


He said; 


“Italy actually was willing to let us use the Coliseum. I was like, well, can’t turn that down. Then I was like, well, if it’s going to be in the Coliseum, I like UFC and everything, but we don’t have tons of ads in UFC branding on the Coliseum ’cause it’s a place of great history. You don’t want to have it be all like NASCAR. And then Zuck pulled out.”


On Zuckerberg accusing him of screwing around with no intention to actually fight, Musk said; 


“[Zuckerberg] accused me of not being serious, and I said, ‘Listen, at the end of the day, I’ll fight you any place, anywhere, under any rules.’”


On who would have won the fight, Elon said;


“I’m like 50% heavier than him,” 6’2”, 240-ish lb. I’ve got my patented ‘walrus’ move. I just lie on him. A walrus doesn’t need martial arts training because it’s really big.”


Elon also disclosed that there’s still a chance the fight will go down, saying he’s ready to crack right now.


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2 Responses

  1. Mark is very wicked to me for that war you are very funny Mark
    This life is a funny place,immargin these two people fighting over nothing,what do they still want?is it money?are they not rich enough,human wants are insatiable. This is oliver ask for more

  2. This life is a funny place,immargin these two people fighting over nothing,what do they still want?is it money?are they not rich enough,human wants are insatiable. This is oliver ask for more

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