
“No husband beats a good and respectful wife” – Nigerian businessman says

9 months ago

A Nigerian businessman, Onyelike Darlington, has said that no man would beat his wife unless she is “disrespectful.”

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12 Responses

  1. May God bless this business man for saying the truth,people don’t think about this aspect of the union,all they know is that any man who beats his wife is not a good man,people should ask what is resulting to the beat

  2. there are other reasons that makes a man beat his wife
    check again b4 u speak
    kaka is loving this

  3. bro that is not completely true
    there are other reasons a man beats his wife
    kaka is loving this

  4. Infact, it is better not to beat your wife or a woman at all even if she’s disrespectful because beating her will not either change her, it will even make things worse for both of you… This cannot be compared to a school teacher who need to as a matter of training requirement discipline his students by way of punishment, A disrespectful wife may have become disrespectful for some reasons that need to be amended by the husband or discussed as there’s no smoke without a fire, At least she’s an adult and she was initially respectful to you when you courted and got married with each other

  5. Very correct! No man in his right mind would beat up a woman who’s respectful and obedient to him. Unless a mad man!

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