
“I’ve had 5 cesarean sections” – Olaide Oyedeji says, opens up on daughter’s death

8 months ago

Olaide Oyedeji, a Nollywood actress, has opened up about her health issues and how she has given birth 5 times by cesarean sections.

Olaide Oyedeji, in an interview with her colleague in the film industry, Biola Adebayo, stated that when her first child, Sudan, died, people criticized her, but she was unconcerned.

The actress, on the other hand, confessed that she was moved when popular blogger Gistlover claimed that Sudan died as a result of her and her baby daddy’s heavy drug use.

Olaide Oyedeji went on to say:

“My first daughter, Sudan did not enjoy life. She gave me documents, she made my life in Germany easy, and she was an angel to me. They knew everything I went through with the girl. I was like, anybody that wants to mention her name needs to put a lot of respect because what that girl went through within that short time is a lot.

“I’ve had 5 cesarean sections, Sudan, Jasmine, Ivy, Abike, and Adam, I know how it feels. I lost count of how many operations Sudan has had. It got to a stage where she had two shunts in her head.

If she wants to eat she has this tube in her stomach, that is where I pass her food. What was her offense? I gave birth to her early and she had an infection. That was the only offense Sudan had. If you asked me if would I willingly drop everything I got because of her situation for me to get Sudan back, oh I will. She looked so much like me.”


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16 Responses

  1. Sorry for the tragic loss of your child, don’t listen to those who had nothing that can help you in any way.

  2. Sometimes its good for us to watch carefully what we say to people,somebody who lost a child,do you think that person will be happy?stop criticizing people necessarily

  3. Poor girl! To have undergone so much hardship in so short a lifespan,may her rest in peace. May His grace and mercy keep the remaining ones for you

  4. it is very sad to hear that u had to undergo caeserian section for all your five kids and it also saddens me that your most loved daughter died
    rip sudan!!!!

  5. but why do people criticise people for unnecessary reasons without getting the necessary facts
    those accusations may now cause trauma

  6. oh sorry for such a tragedy that befell u at such a time
    rip to your late child sudan
    the lord is your strength woman

  7. like 5 cs is that your cevix couldn’t dilate in all those times or oxytocin didn’t work or na the very know village people

  8. Trajedy of a mother. Some women have passed through this but no one heard their stories. Once one becomes a celebrity, everything is overblown!
    Continue being the good mother you are. People are always quick to judge

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