
How Getting Psoriasis Challenged Me To Still Love Myself

When I woke up and felt something itchy on my right hip, I didn’t think much of it; I just scratched it. The next night when the itching woke me up in the middle of the night, I cursed my sensitive skin, put some topical antihistamine cream on the strange red welt, and went back to bed.

When I woke up the following morning, the small red patch was topped with a silvery scab, and that’s when I knew what was happening: I had psoriasis. It’s hard to truly learn how to love yourself when you hate the skin you’re in — literally.

On the one hand, it wasn’t surprising. When I was 14, I developed acne that was so severe I once looked up from eating breakfast to find my dad gazing at me like I was actively eating human flesh at the table.

Around the same period of time, I started getting warts — one on my finger, another on my foot. Then, my moles started sprouting up and annual skin screenings were added to my already pretty jammed-back schedule of dermatological appointments. 

I figured all of that stuff (minus the skin screenings) would go away eventually, and they did. While people say I’ve been blessed with “great” skin, they don’t know that a lot of work (time, money, effort, and failed attempts) went into making it great. I haven’t had another wart since one of my left middle fingers was cut out, leaving a tiny scar as a reminder.

In short, other than the eventual wrinkles I knew I’d get and the moles I’d have to have removed, I thought I was out of the woods when it came to my skin.


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