
I Got Sober — And Had These 8 Life Epiphanies

For the entirety of my adult life, from 18 on, I was a drinker. Like, daily drinking, drinker.

If I wasn’t drinking, I was drugged up at a rave. But, I could always walk away from the drugs. It was drinking that I couldn’t.

There were very few moments or parts in my life where I was not getting sauced.

This all came to a head when I found out that drinking exacerbates a blood disorder I have. And, I found out the hard way — by pissing reddish purple for two days.

My disorder was acting up more and more frequently since I turned 30. Eventually, things just became inescapable.

I had to quit drinking. As a result, I’ve been sober for over six months. I come up on my year in the fall.

Over the course of that time, several things happened. 

I got sober — and had these 8 life epiphanies: 

1. I put myself in a lot less danger

I love my times in the rave scene and the underground nightlife scene, but I’ll be real. I belong to a lot of extremely dangerous and deadly scenes.

Drug use has killed dozens of my friends. One literally overdosed on PCP in front of me.


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