
JUST 4 FUN! What Would You Choose If You Had To Eat One Meal For The Rest Of Your Life?

1 month ago

I want us to play a reality game.

Imagine there was going to be a famine and the Government has instructed citizens to live on one kind of Food for the rest of your life, what are you picking?

NOTE: This Food has to be something you like and can endure eating for a very long time, probably when the famine is no more.

So kindly gist us 👇🏽👇🏽

What Would You Choose If You Had To Eat One Meal For The Rest Of Your Life?
MINE: It’s going to be Indomie. I can never get tired of eating noodles. I can eat it morning, afternoon, and night, 365 times in a year infact. Heck I am eating it right now 😆😅


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