
Our Marriage Therapist Told Me To Be More Affectionate With My Abusive Husband

We were given the assignment of reading The Five Love Languages.

Our marriage therapist, a young woman whose master’s degree was as fresh as the ink on her diploma, believed the solution to our marital strife would be found in the book’s pages.

“Your homework for next week is to figure out what your love language is,” she told us at the end of another session, after which I felt more hopeless than ever.

At that point, fifteen years of marriage in, it all felt like a movie playing out in front of me, as if I wasn’t even a part of it.

The characters:

Therapist: Pretty woman in her thirties with the voice of a kindergarten teacher; listens to wife bumble through her feelings; leans into husband as charm oozes out of his pores.

Husband: Soon-to-be diagnosed narcissist who could fool any therapist without experience in personality disorders; especially a woman.

Wife: Woman in her mid-forties whose face gives away her exhaustion; has no idea what gaslighting is, the silent treatment, or that she’s a victim of narcissistic abuse.


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