
Pope Francis calls for global ban on surrogacy, says its ‘despicable’

10 months ago

Pope Francis has described surrogate motherhood as a “despicable” practice that should be universally banned for its “commercialization” of pregnancy.

The Catholic leader made the call during his foreign policy address to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See which traditionally serves as a lament for all the world’s conflicts and injustices.

An unborn child must not be “turned into an object of trafficking,” Francis said, adding. “I consider despicable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs.”

A child, he said, should never be “the basis of a commercial contract,” and called for a global ban on surrogacy “to prohibit this practice universally.”

Francis has in the past called surrogacy “uterus for rent,” and some European countries prohibit it, including Spain and Italy.


While the catholic church opposes the practice, the Vatican’s doctrine office on church teaching has made clear that homosexual parents who resort to surrogacy can have their children baptized.

This comes weeks after the same office, with Francis’ explicit approval, allowed the blessing of same-sex couples.



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13 Responses

  1. Surrogacy is an evil, and should be banned, fine and good.
    What about the same sex marriage that you approve?

  2. this kind of hypocrisy for a respectable global figure is embarrasing
    u rule out something that encouraged another thing u blessed

  3. i agree surrogacy is contrary to the bible but wen the same individual blesses same sex marriages wat will u expect

  4. Surrogacy is despicable? But gay marriage is okay? What a utter nonsense. He has turned church to laughing stock.

  5. Are you people sure that this pope is alright?,i believe something is wrong somewhere,surrogacy is not good but gay marriage is good,you can never decieve us again

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