
The Impact Of My Mother Taking Back My Cheating Father

Note from Dr. Psych Mom: One issue I often see in couples counseling is a couple trying to repair their marriage after one partner had an affair. Many people who haven’t been in this situation say that they could never take a partner back after infidelity.  

While everyone has the right to make their own choices about this matter, and any matter involving intimate relationships, I thought it could be illuminating to hear stories from individuals who have made this choice.  

Our first guest post comes from a reader who was not directly in this situation but experienced it firsthand. Her story is very interesting and allows a glimpse into the world of a child whose parents’ marriage is shattered by infidelity.

My father cheated, right after he uprooted his whole family from one country to another. I was 16 years old then.

He fell in love with another woman from work. Moved out and they were separated for a year.

I was devastated.


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