
There’s Only One Way To Overcome The Inevitable Rough Patches In Your Relationship

By Jeremy Brown 

Anyone can get married. Recent numbers show that approximately 6,200 people in the United States alone take the vows every day. So, yeah, getting hitched is a breeze. Staying that way, on the other hand, can take a lot more work.

Every marriage occasionally hits a rough patch, something that sets things slightly off-balance.

It can be money issues, in-law problems, or even stress over raising the kids.

The rough patch itself isn’t necessarily the issue. It’s how a couple navigates their way through it that can either make or break a marriage.

It’s a matter of identifying the rough patches and, hopefully, finding a way through that’s as painless as possible.

“Now, in many couples, both people have jobs, both people have a big role in child rearing, both people are managing the logistics of the household,” says psychologist Dr. Daphne de Marneffe, Ph.D., whose book, The Rough Patch: Marriage and the Art of Living Together, explores, and offers a framework for avoiding, the speed bumps that stall many relationships.

The fact that everyone has multiple roles, de Marneffe adds, means that there are multiple sources of stress. “And the more stress we have, the more likely we are to interact in a more unskillful or insensitive way,” she says. “That stress leads to explosive interactions, misunderstandings, and so forth.”


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