
We Asked Married People The Harsh Truth About Their Marriages

I’ll admit it.  I want to get married. I wasn’t one of those girls who was always planning her wedding…I mean, not until I was at least sixteen.

But for me, the appealing thing about marriage isn’t the wedding, it’s the partnership. 

Standing in front of your friends and agreeing to love each other forever and then eating cake is all well and good, but what happens afterward is the real magic. 

I can’t imagine anything more rewarding than marriage. I also can’t imagine anything more challenging. 

Spending your life with someone, putting up with their stuff forever? That sounds potentially….deeply unpleasant. As much as I want to be married, I’m also terrified of it. 

I find myself looking at the married people I know from my parents to my college friends and wondering, are married people really happy? 

I don’t mean are married couples really happy RIGHT NOW (because we are humans and have our good days and our bad days).

I mean are married people really happy overall?

Because this could be potentially awkward to talk about, I decided to ask the married people I know for their thoughts but to keep their identities anonymous.


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