
We Were Meant To Walk Away From Each Other

By Karla Sirios

“I am still here as a friend.”

That was the last message you sent me. I didn’t reply. I didn’t see the point.

It’s funny, isn’t it? You repeatedly said that you loved me, but, in the end, you couldn’t even fight for me. Somehow, during all the years we spent together, I was the only one fighting.

I was the only one saving our relationship from failing. I was always the first one to apologize, even if it was your fault. Why? Because I loved you enough to swallow my pride.

You always thought that I could stand up for myself without you. You thought that if you left me, I’d somehow be OK in an instant.

Well, in reality, I am not that strong. On the outside, I may seem like a tough person, but I’ve always been the more dependent partner in our relationship.

Why do the people I love always seem to hurt me?

For the last three years, I’ve done everything for you. I have sacrificed opportunities because I knew that you couldn’t live without me. You needed me. Now, you’ve left me wondering if I’ve ever even mattered to you at all.


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