
When Your Relationship Ends, Do These 4 Things ASAP

It might have been a huge blow-up where you and your partner both said awful, hurtful words. It could have been a slow-building tension that brought coldness and distance.

The effects are the same… your relationship feels like it has collapsed.

The strong foundation of trust, communication, respect, and even love has been shaken and maybe feels destroyed.

You’re wondering if it is even possible for you two to repair the damage and rebuild your connection.

A relationship collapse can be precipitated by infidelity, jealousy, mistrust, flirting, anger and resentment, unresolved disagreements and more. You might be very upset, not sleeping or eating well and fearful about your future. You may also be feeling justified about what you’ve said or done. After all, your partner did something awful.

But when the relationship ends, no matter who was at fault, it’s important that you take specific steps to learn the lessons the situation taught you and to move forward in a healthy and productive way.

Here are four things you should do ASAP when your relationship ends:

1. Be honest with yourself about what happened.

The first thing we recommend you do after a relationship collapse is to assess the state of your relationship. If your mind is racing ahead to what you think the future might hold or to what you guess your partner will do next, stop.


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